Terms of Use


When publishing work using Sakurane voicebanks, you must credit "Sakurane Nanaoto" for joke banks and "Sakurane Rina" for normal banks. Names provided for storytelling (translations, nicknames, alternate spellings) should not be used for writing credits.
You may optionally credit the specific voicebank used.
You may optionally credit Sakurane's author as "KLAD" or "Adlez27".
When attributing the voicebanks or author, you must write the names exactly as written here. You cannot call Sakurane by any other name, nor attribute Sakurane to any other author.

Usage Content

You are free to create:

Contact me with the form below before creating:

The following types of content are unconditionally prohibited:

KLAD reserves the right to request takedown of published content at any time, and users are expected to comply.

Character and Artwork

Published work using Sakurane voicebanks may optionally include character visuals.
Visuals should be clearly recognizable as Sakurane Nanaoto/Sakurane Rina. These voicebanks cannot be used to intentionally voice other characters. This limitation does not apply to reusing music videos for covers.

Some voicebanks include character artwork files. Please check the additional terms of use for those voicebanks for proper credits and usage limitations.
When using visuals created by other artists, please follow the appropriate licenses and terms of use.

Commercial Use

Contact me with the form below for approval to use Sakurane voicebanks commercially.
You cannot use Sakurane voicebanks or any included assets in projects involving non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or cryptocurrency.

Editing joke voicebanks

You are free to edit audio files in any way.
You are free to edit any configuration files, such as oto.ini or FRQ files.
You are free to edit, convert, or reconfigure Sakurane Nanaoto voicebanks for any singing synthesizer.
You are free to use the contents of Sakurane Nanaoto voicebanks outside of singing synthesizers.

Editing normal voicebanks

You can edit audio files in any way, except for pitch or formant manipulation.
You are free to adjust any configuration files, such as oto.ini or FRQ files.
You cannot edit, convert, or reconfigure Sakurane Rina voicebanks for other singing synthesizers. You are free to use any software that can use the voicebanks unmodified.
You are free to use the contents of Sakurane Rina voicebanks outside of singing synthesizers.


You cannot redistribute Sakurane voicebanks, components of voicebanks, or voicebanks ported to other synthesizers.

You are free to share rendered singing vocals created with Sakurane voicebanks.


KLAD holds no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss by the user from downloading or using Sakurane.
KLAD holds no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss that occurs to any third party as a result of usage of Sakurane.
These terms of use were originally generated with TUBS Tools and include additional edits.

Contact me