Style: Neutral tone
Language: Japanese + English extras
Format: CVVC
Pitches: 1 (D4)
Resampler: any
Flags: none/any
Please check the usage notes for details.
If you discover any issues or bugs while using this voicebank, please report them here: Contact meEnd breaths: [a hh][i hh][u hh][e hh][o hh][n hh]
You can occasionally add these at the end of phrases for an audible exhale. By default, you should use the plain vowel endings.
This voicebank is compatible with Presamp and includes several presamp.ini configuration files. Presamp is a note processing tool for Classic UTAU that sits between UTAU and the resampler, converting plain notes and lyrics into smaller notes and phonemes. It is primarily intended to automatically process Japanese CV USTs for Japanese CVVC voicebanks. Learn more and download here: TUBS Translations
The default Presamp settings are for Japanese, supporting both hiragana and romaji lyrics. You can also create English vocals by writing each syllable phonetically, using Japanese sounds and the included extra phonemes. If consonant clusters sound strange, try putting the consonant in a separate note. Presamp does not support reading plain English words.
If you're more comfortable with a different English phoneme system, you can switch to another config file.
file to presamp-default.ini
These are used the same way, by writing the syllable phonetically in each note. You can write using any English phonemes in your chosen system, but the underlying pronunciation will still only use the sounds available in the voicebank.
PaintedCZ system (VCCV)
Vocaloid SAMPA
To learn more about the extra phonemes and how to use the voicebank, please read the SHO F Usage Tutorial.
Repackaged for new website launch.
Initial release.