Style: Metal screaming
Language: Japanese + English extras
Format: Rentan CV + VV
Pitches: 2 (false cord scream, fry scream)
Resampler: tn_fnds (or derivatives)
Flags: W-1 (required) g+10 (optional)
The correct resampler and flags are required for this voicebank. Use the included resampler and template projects to make sure it's properly set up. Check the usage notes for full details.
If you discover any issues or bugs while using this voicebank, please report them here: Contact meThe resampler and template projects can be found in the _RESOURCE folder. Move the resampler folder to a convenient location. To start a new project, use the ustx template for OpenUtau and the ust template for Classic UTAU.
The W-1
flag is specific to tn_fnds and derivative resamplers. It disables pitch shifting, while still allowing you to make notes longer.
In OpenUtau, change the track renderer to CLASSIC, then open the settings and change the resampler to tn_fnds.
Use Tools > Expressions to add the W-1
In Classic UTAU, this is set in Project > Project Property.
For Japanese vocals, use the JA CVVC Phonemizer or Presamp, which will automatically use starting/midphrase CVs and VVs.
For English vocals, use the SHO Phonemizer or refer to the SHO E Usage Tutorial.
False cord scream has been mapped to B2 and below, while fry scream has been mapped to C3 and above.
Musical pitch isn't relevant to this voicebank, so to select a style of screaming, simply move the notes up and down into the appropriate region.
Alternatively, you can use tone shift, voice color, or write the G suffix for false cord scream and S suffix for fry scream.
Initial release.