Style: Soft and falsetto clean singing
Language: Japanese + English extras
Format: Rentan CV + VV
Pitches: 2 (E3, E4)
Resampler: tn_fnds, or any
Flags: none/any
For Japanese vocals, use the JA CVVC Phonemizer or Presamp, which will automatically use starting/midphrase CVs and VVs.
For English vocals, use the SHO Phonemizer or refer to the SHO E Usage Tutorial.
This voicebank includes a desc.mrq file. This can be converted to frq, pmk, etc. using frqeditor.
Falsetto has been mapped to start at E4.
In OpenUtau, you can either use tone shift or voice colors to manually change the tone.
To manually specify which tone to use, add the M suffix for the main pitch and F suffix for the falsetto pitch.
Initial release.